Advanced Tactics Inc & Rotor X Aircraft Manufacturing Co. Team unveil their HighSpeed Vertical Take-Off and Landing (HSVTOL) Family of aircraft for military and commercial applications

Advanced Tactics Inc & Rotor X Aircraft Manufacturing Co. Team unveil their HighSpeed Vertical Take-Off and Landing (HSVTOL) Family of aircraft for military and commercial applications

The team of Advanced Tactics Inc (AT) of Torrance, California and Rotor X Aircraft Manufacturing Co. (Rotor X) of Chandler, Arizona unveiled their design concept for a new family of aircraft for military and commercial applications called the Barracuda.

The AT/Rotor X Barracuda HSVTOL aircraft combines the hover capability of a

helicopter with jet-like forward flight speed, extended long-range, and versatility of a light strike/fighter aircraft.

The Barracuda HSVTOL cruises three times faster than the current USAF rescue helicopter HH-60 Pavehawk and has four times the range – with jet-like speeds. The commercial applications range from small package delivery to cross-country hub-and-spoke distribution to air taxi and commuter passenger service, to heavy industry and mining logistics.

AT is the technology developer providing over 14 years of innovation of next-generation vertical lift aircraft, and over 10 years of Barracuda technology testing. Rotor X, a company with over 50 years of helicopter manufacturing experience, will be the primary manufacturer for all the components of the Barracuda. The AT/Rotor X team will jointly assemble and test the Barracuda prototypes.

Read more: Advanced Tactics Inc & Rotor X Aircraft Manufacturing Co. Team unveil their HighSpeed Vertical Take-Off and Landing (HSVTOL) Family of aircraft for military and commercial applications