Today’s metal processing is so complex, no 19th century factory owner would understand them. But you don’t need a complex understanding of every metal processing treatment just to appreciate the results of them. Metal processing services allow for more durable, lighter weight, longer lasting, and better fitting parts for applications across all industries.
Whether you want to design a better car, make airplanes safer, or just create the next hot household product, you need to stay abreast of the latest changes and advancements in metal processing. So what’s coming in 2018 to the world of metal processing? These five emerging trends are all worth keeping in mind as you make your plans for the upcoming year.
Metal Printing is Exploding
3D printing was once limited to plastics and polymers with a liquid or malleable form, but now metal powder and metal processing advancements make it possible to shape practically any small and low-strength metal part in a printer. Sinterizing is a metal processing technique that seals the individual particles of metal to create a seamless and finely detailed finished product.
Metal printing first emerged a few years ago with the powder-base breakthrough. Yet it has taken until 2018 for most of the biggest names in metal 3D printing to overcome some of the challenges of working with powdered products. Improvements in monitoring and controls allow for better results, increasing the usefulness of the resulting printed parts and models. Today’s metal processing services are increasingly turning to 3D printing for prototyping and modeling, and the parts themselves can also be treated to increase their durability to a limited extent.
Read more: A Crash Course in Metal Processing – The Top 5 Things To Know in 2018